un couteau > High-Tech Dozorme Thiers knives, Pocket knife with corkscrew
High-Tech Dozorme Thiers knivesPocket knife with corkscrew
Founded in 1902, the mark Claude Dozorme is the signature of a long family tradition. Transmitted from generation to generation, the requirement of "well done work" is still today a reality for the Masters Cutlers.
  THIERS Symbolising THIERS, capital of the French cutlery, this model with slender lines, matches with the most beautifull tables, pure elegance
Take time to examine a "Le Thiers" knife, to hold it, you will be conquered by the harmony of its forms, the nobleness of horn and the excellent grip it offers you. This is the fruit of long researches, and quality requirements which make these "Le Thiers" knives, unique objects signed Claude Dozorme ! HIGH TECH This new Thiers with contemporary styling and integrated corkscrew is a mix of Claude Dozorme know-how, it includes the special features of the 'Liner' for the opening system, the 'Baroudeur' for the beautifull anodised aluminium colors and the Master cutler's skills to provide unqualled cutting.
 High-Tech Dozorme Thiers knives, Pocket knife with corkscrew
made in France
|  | 74.46 EUR | | | THIERS Dozorme HIGH TECH with corkscrew for ride
 High-Tech Dozorme Thiers knives, Pocket knife with corkscrew
made in France
|  | 74.46 EUR | | | THIERS Dozorme HIGH TECH with corkscrew for ride
