Our Knife Works in Laguiole is responsible for every stage in the manufacture of its
knives. The blades are forged at 1000°C.
Laguiole Forge knives are made at the Laguiole Forge and have the collective
“Laguiole origine garantie” trademark engraved on the blade; this attests to the
knife’s controlled quality and production origin.
Laguiole Forge finds the inspiration for its expertise in the authenticity of the
Aubrac plateaux, forging the lines of its knives in the traditions of authenticity,
refinement and excellence.
Authenticity: this takes us on a journey through the furrows of the land; it is an
illustration of the know-how that has been built up here, and leads to a respect
for tradition through the expertise of each of our cutlers.
Refinement: the curve of the knife is understated, radiating a purity of line; the
design appears implicitly with the signature of many designers such as Starck.
Excellence: the outcome of the object becomes intangible; it reflects the sense of the
approach of the person who has understood it, the values that can be shared
with, among others, Virgilio Munoz Caballero, “Meilleur Ouvrier de France” or Stephane Rambaud.
The Laguiole Forge factory opened in 1987. It was the culmination of a project
dreamed up by a group of enthusiasts, aimed at relaunching the production of the
Laguiole knife in Laguiole. The task of designing the factory was given to Philippe
Starck and is a perfect illustration of the company’s philosophy, combining tradition
and design. The glass and aluminium architecture, from which emerges a blade 18
metres high, symbolises the company’s activity and dynamism. Every stage in the
manufacture of the knife is now carried out once again in the place where it
originated: the knife is reborn, the Laguiole has come back to Laguiole.
The “ENTREPRISE DU PATRIMOINE VIVANT” (Living Heritage Company) label
awarded by the Minister responsible for companies and external trade and the
“JANUS DE L’INDUSTRIE”, awarded by the French Design Institute and sponsored
by the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry for External Trade, make it the leading
enterprise in Laguiole.
At the Laguiole Forge, we have a real determination to pass on and defend our
We take pleasure in finding the inspiration for this knife-forging expertise in the
authenticity of the Aubrac plateaux. From the outset, the Laguiole Forge has
worked to develop its manufacturing skills with respect for traditional know-how.
Once a knife used locally, it has now become a cult object, a design benchmark and
a synonym of the art of living.
As an object representing continuity and solidarity with the past or as a statement of
contemporary creativity, Laguiole cutlery continues to inspire designers.
Starck, Yan Pennor’s, Eric Raffy, Sonia Rykiel, Hermès, Courrèges, Jean-Michel Wilmotte,
Thomas Bastide, Olivier Gagnère, C+B Lefebvre, Christian Ghion, Kristian
Gavoille, Thibault Desombre, Nedda L’Asmar, Eric Berthès,… all have lent their particular talents to the interpretation of the Laguiole.